Compassion and Community Assistance


People are “poor” in many ways and there are many poor people in our community. Since God is a god who cares for all people and works to provide resources to meet real needs, and since He usually does this through His followers, we make ourselves available to Him for this ministry.

However, this is a difficult ministry to describe since it is always in a state of change. Most of our community ministries are begun and managed by individuals in our congregation who sense God’s call to help a certain group of people. They let others know what God is leading them to do and some join in to help. We encourage people to do this so that God may direct people into the particular ministries for which He has equipped them. Because these ministries are individually managed, they change as the people in our congregation change or are moved to serve in a new area of need.

  • Benevolence assistance – One of the most consistent community ministries in our church that serves both our members and the general public. Upon approval, we help people with gift cards to purchase gas and food.

  • Winter Nights Family Shelter – We provide hands-on help for homeless families by serving at the rotating family shelter. The shelter provides meals, a warm and safe place to stay, as well as assistance with finding jobs and permanent housing.

  • Angel Tree – A program of Prison Fellowship which reaches out to children of inmates and their families. Every year our members purchase Christmas gifts on behalf of the inmates for their children. Through those gifts we share the love of Christ and hopefully meet some of the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of those families.

  • Forgiveness Ministries – Our church regularly hosts workshops on forgiveness. Click to learn more.